Who am I, and why should you listen to me?
My name is Tigran Bagdasaryan and I’m the founder of Budo Boxing. I have over 18+ years of real boxing experience and I’ve been coaching for about 10 of those years. Although I focus primarily on coaching nowadays, I still train every day. Not only do I talk the talk, but I continue to walk the walk. A lot of people can box, few can teach well, and even fewer teach as well as I do.
I’ve spent my youth and most of my adult life learning everything about the art of boxing. Through my practice, I discovered that the sport had eventually changed every fiber of my being.
With the advent of social media, a ton of phony boxing trainers out there have popped up. They con people into trusting them by posting flashy videos on social media, when in reality they don’t actually know what they’re doing.
My goal with Budo Boxing is to present the world with the best comprehensive boxing system on the planet, and to show them how simple boxing can really be.
I’ve learned more about myself in the ring and the boxing gym than any other place. I know there’s something very special about the art, sport and discipline called boxing, and I would love the world to discover that for themselves as well. I hope you allow me to help you on your boxing journey.
Outside the ring, I love chess, cars, other martial arts, history, and bettering myself in any way I can. I take the approach I used to master boxing and I apply it to every aspect of my life. I truly believe the world would be a better place if more people had an outlet like boxing to use as a medium to better themselves as well.
If you’re reading this, thank you for the support and interest.
Welcome to Budo Boxing.
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